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Art of Alchemy 

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* April 22nd, 2007 

Serebrov Boeken 

practical alchemy 


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The Doctrine of 

Inner Light 


Doctrine of 
Inner Light 



Once in one of my conscious dreams I met a Master, who initiated 
me into the doctrine of inner light. Immersed daily in my 
meditation, I refined the radiance of my essence through contact 
with the Spirit of the Master, who imparted the following 

?The idea of opening up the light origin of man will be the most 
important one of the third millennium. Every human being in the 
manifested universe is a radiant spark of The Absolute, Who 
installed His own divine nature in it and commanded His sons to 
return to His bosom, and to co-create in the universe together with 
Him. Everyone can open up his or her divine origin, hidden in the 
depth of the human soul. Moreover, when man cognises his inner 
nature, which is a radiant spark of The Absolute, he will be able to 
return to His Father's bosom, to the spiritual worlds of light, from 
which he has fallen into the manifested universe.? 

?We are the sons of light, we are the sons of the sun. Hundreds of 
incarnations ago The Absolute charged the advanced human souls 
with the mission to descend into the manifested worlds and to 
elevate these to the worlds of radiant spirit. Millions of enlightened 
souls entered the darkness of the night, the pearl spheres of the 
manifested worlds, and scattered like leaves in the limitless 
Universe, the space of the invisible Spirit.? 

?The sorrow of these souls who had to leave the divine worlds, 
combined with the pain of existence on the millions of manifested 
planets, which accomplish the circles of life in the golden light of 
colourful suns. However, many of these souls - immersed in the 
illusory existence of the manifested Universe - forgot their divine 

The Master taught me the basics of the breathing technigue, which 
brings forth the inner light in man, and I practised what he had 
taught me. 

After my practices, a radiant origin awoke in me, and this changed 
my entire life. During conscious dreaming I used to meet my 
mentor, who guided me on the path of light, refining my practices. 
Long after, he allowed me to transmit this knowledge to the world, 
to those who wish to evolve their inner light. The practice of inner 
light is a direct Path of ascension towards the divine nature of man. 
The theme of inner light appears in various spiritual traditions as 
well as in the main religions of the world. Saints in the Christian 
religion are represented on icons with a shining nimbus, which 
shows that they opened up their light origin as a result of constant 


Doctrine of 
Inner Light 


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prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Buddhism says that he who experiences the highest nature of the 
mind as a void of radiant light, reaches enlightenment and 
liberation from the Wheel of Samsara. 

Tibetan practices teach how to obtain the body of light and how to 
transit into a heavenly dwelling. The great teacher Padmasambhava 
in his treatise Bardo Thodol, known as The Tibetan Book of the 
Dead, tells about reaching liberation after death and transition into 
the radiant worlds. Namkhai Norbu, teaching the practice of 
Dzog-chen, says that the ultimate purpose is to transform the 
physical body into a body of light and thus reach complete 

According to Zen teachings the final goal of man who walks on the 
Path, is the enlightenment of his inner nature and the attainment of 

A spiritually developed human being feels that a radiant golden 
energy saturating every cell of their organism, while the soul 
harmoniously and naturally merges with the cosmos. 

The theme of inner light is known in Sufi teachings as the path of a 
moth, which flies into the candlelight. Man, being incarnated, makes 
a journey of oblivion; he forgets his light nature. This is a journey 
away from God. Then, while in deep prayer, the unfading light of 
the most intimate state of unity illuminates his heart, and man who 
loves God, becomes aware of the pain of separation. It is not 
possible to realize the separation from God without realizing the 
unity with Him. The mystical path is paradoxical and there is no 
consequent proceeding from the state of separation from God to the 
state of unity with Him. This path is like a spiral and the opposites 

In the beginning of the 19th century, the theosophical author Mabel 
Collins received a message from the higher spiritual hierarchies for 
the whole of humanity stressing the necessity to awaken man's light 
nature. She described this in her well-known book Light on the 
Path. The more man advances on the ascending Path to the divine 
worlds, the lighter becomes this thorny Path. Ultimately the 
blindfold falls off his eyes and unknown cosmic perspectives reveal 
themselves. Then man hears the heavenly call for unity with the 
Father, who gave birth to him. 

The alchemist of the medieval ages aspired to find within himself 
the golden divine light, which he called ?the Inner Gold?. The efforts 
of the alchemist were directed towards transformation of the 
transient and egoistic personality of man into a truly spiritual being. 
The alchemical purification and elevation of man, which is a symbol 
for the path of initiation, has 7 stages. This is the path from 
darkness leading to the light, from ignorance to wisdom. The 
alchemist had to look into his soul in order to reach the very depth 
of his being. At the same time, he carried out some hidden 
mysterious work, in order to find within him the Philosopher's 

The Philosopher's Stone was the great aim of the alchemist, who 
did everything he could to obtain it. This Stone can transform 
common metals into pure gold. It is a universal medicine against 
any disease, the elixir of life that can make man immortal. Due to 
the Stone man obtains perfect happiness, and becomes an 
influential being in the Universe, because through it he comes into 
contact with the Cause of all Causes: The Absolute. A found 

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Philosopher's Stone means in a mystical sense, a completed 
transmutation of the lower animal nature of man into the highest 
divine nature. The culmination of this ?Secret Work? is the birth of a 
spiritually perfect man. 

The Philosopher's Stone is the most perfect substance, shining with 
golden light equal to that of the primordial matter of creation, which 
came into being when the Fire of Divine Intelligence brought 
cosmos into the original chaos. 

Our radiant heavenly soul is a manifestation of the Philosopher's 
Stone. The Art of Alchemy liberates her from the human body in 
which she is imprisoned. Opus Magnum is the unity with God, 
opening the path to immortality; the cognition of the way, enabling 
the human being to develop divine qualities within itself. 

This small work is dedicated to the theme of kindling the inner light 
and achieving contact with our divine nature. 

Meditation 1: The Need to open Up the Inner Light 
It is possible for man to pursue the possession of wealth in the 
manifested worlds, but it is equally possible to dedicate one's life to 
the search of inner light. 

Inner light is an inexhaustible source of bliss. The golden radiance 
of the soul is that very gem, of which seekers of truth have been in 
pursuit since immemorial times. Inner light comes from the depths 
of our essence. It penetrates into all secret recesses of the heart, 
blessing it with the highest grace. Inner light is that very wealth 
which is the foundation of our essence. Inner light flows from our 
Highest Self, thus illuminating the space of our soul. 

When the human soul descends into the depths of the material 
worlds, she becomes saturated with the heavy breath of the 
manifested world and gradually loses her radiant quality. Then man 
feels overtaken by depression. If such a soul can immerse in her 
depths inner light will cure old wounds. The leaden heaviness within 
dissolves and a sensation of glaring purity of the heart rises instead. 
This light will illuminate man's way in the worlds hereafter. 

Man's soul accumulates the particles of cosmic gold through 
meditation on the radiance of inner light. These remain with him 
until he spends them on outer life, but not even a scintilla of this 
cosmic gold can be bought for money. The only way to accumulate 
it is meditation upon the inner light. Inner light is the basic cosmic 
currency that has value in the worlds hereafter. We cannot take 
with us the wealth that we have gathered in the material worlds. No 
matter how persistently we strove for our millions of dollars, they 
always remain in the world of matter. We can take no material gain 
with us on our posthumous journey. Though this fact is annoying, it 
sobers us, reminding us of the necessity to acquire the inner gold, 
which stays with us after our death. Golden light born from inner 
peace is the cosmic currency, which has real value in other worlds, 
for it is an eternal gold, while objects of material luxury remain 
always in the relative world. 

The cultivation of the inner gold is an infallible investment of our 
time and energy because we can take the results of our work with 
us into the world hereafter. 

The source of inner gold is the eternal glory of The Absolute. 

He is the creator of the manifested worlds. 

He has animated our souls. 

He gave to us a particle of His imperishable glory. 

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Following His incessant call we can regain our lost inner wealth ? 
our origin of light. 

External wealth is not a bad thing, but it is not worthwhile as an 
ultimate goal. Many people chase only that kind of wealth, because 
they do not know anything about the life hereafter, they even fear 
the thought of it. For them the loss of the physical body means the 
loss of all they have gained during life. The theme of death amongst 
such people is often ?taboo? as a subject of discussion. 

But if man honestly considers the reality in which he dwells, he 
realizes clearly that after death he will live in another, more subtle 
body. In those subtle worlds the only thing of value is the inner gold 
that we have accumulated in our souls. Inner light is the main 
source of the cosmic pollen, which through its volatility brings us to 
the highest worlds of light. If we do not wish to dwell in the dark 
and gloomy halls of the lower earthly astral plane after our death, 
we must pay heed, here and now. 

If we are intelligent enough, we will take time to kindle our inner 
light, which is the source of inner well-being and happiness. If we 
radiate happiness, we attract positive outer circumstances, for inner 
wealth is always attractive. When you attain inner happiness, you 
will see how senseless the pursuing of outer well-being is, for your 
inner happiness will always be with you. 

The radiance of inner light and the enchanting feeling of love can 
make you happy, and these cannot be bought with money or any 
material wealth. You can buy a good house, a car, create a 
comfortable situation for yourself, and even start to travel around 
the world. But, wherever you go, you will always be confronted with 
yourself. If there is no light in your soul, the outer world will just 
amuse you for a short while, without giving any true consolation. 

But if you possess cosmic gold, then, wherever you are, whatever 
might happen to you, your soul is always ethereal and light, and 
you feel happy because you are always in contact with the source of 
bliss. With light in your soul, you will see how your heart opens 
itself to love, how it radiates its warmth to your neighbour. 
Moreover, you will receive a faithful love in return. Such a love 
cannot be acquired through money - dollars have no value for the 
inner light. Of course, we need means to live; as long as we carry a 
physical body we cannot live in the spirit alone. But it is advisable 
to maintain a sense of proportion always and everywhere. 

Strive to gain inner gold during your earthly life ? this is the way to 
cosmic wealth. Do not oppose outer wealth with an inner one; it is 
necessary to master both. Only then may we have a complete 
inca rnation. 

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